Connect life

With Mr. Living Benefits

Connect life

With Mr. Living Benefits

Living Benefits

Living Benefits, have you heard of life insurance you don’t have to die to use? In a case of critical, chronic, or terminal illness. The death benefit from the policy will pay you out in advance. Research shows, 70% of Americans will suffer from Heart attack, stroke, or cancer before the age of 65, ironically. 70% of the people survive BUT, 50% of those who survive go bankrupt. Could you afford for this to happen to you or your family?

Power of indexing

Never lose Money there’s no way to have market-like gains without losses.” False. There is a concept called “Indexing” where life insurance companies invest their own money into the market, and accredit your account when the company has gains. This isn’t a new concept however majority of people never know about this. It’s a guaranteed way to never lose your money and still make it grow.

70% of Americans will suffer from heart attack stroke or cancer before reaching the age of 65. Fortunately, 70% of Americans survive, but 50% of those who survive go bankrupt… This is why everyone needs living benefits. People don’t plan to fail people just fail to plan.